“…we spoke with Bones creator Hart Hanson about the upcoming season, Moonlighting, how the slightly Asperger’s-y Brennan will deal with a child, and whether we’ll actually get to see them have sex sometime.”
Read the full interview on NY Magazine
“…we spoke with Bones creator Hart Hanson about the upcoming season, Moonlighting, how the slightly Asperger’s-y Brennan will deal with a child, and whether we’ll actually get to see them have sex sometime.”
Read the full interview on NY Magazine
Prior to the Season 7 premiere of Bones on Fox, TheDeadbolt caught up with Hart Hanson and Stephen Nathan to get the scoop on the amnesia aspects of the new episode, new forensics techniques, and how religion will play a part in Booth and Brennan’s baby.
THE DEADBOLT: Can you talk about the amnesia aspects within the premiere and how that concept came about?
THE DEADBOLT: Can you both talk about how you keep up with changes in real forensics and investigation techniques between seasons and how they impact the writers?
THE DEADBOLT: Will religion be an issue with Booth and Brennan having the baby together, raising it in the church, getting it baptized, everything like that?
Read the full story on Deadbolt
However, when Bones executive producers Hart Hanson and Stephen Nathan participated in a conference call with reporters earlier today, the absence of Cam-related storylines prompted me to ask them what they could tell us about our favorite forensic pathologist in the new season. And what about those possible bonus episodes for the season? What else did Hanson and Nathan reveal during the call?
Read the full story on Give Me My Remote
Twentieth Century Fox Television is making a big showing at San Diego Comic Con this year with no less than 13 shows attending. Booth and Brennan will represent Bones on Friday, July 22, 2011. David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel, exec producers Hart Hanson and Stephen Nathan, plus cast members of The Finder will be on hand for a little Q&A.
Expect exceptional fan interest in Brennan’s pending pregnancy and future relationship with Booth, along with many inquiries about Deschanel’s real-life pregnancy and pending bundle of joy.
On twitter, TJ Thyne also expressed interest in attending but it was unclear if he was a fan or wanted to be on the panel.
So, this phenomenon known as Comic-con 2011..how does one go about scoring a ticket or an invite? It’s long time I check this party out! :0)
Source: TV Line
“The Finder,” a spin-off of Fox’s hit drama Bones, is based on Richard Greener’s “The Locator” book series. The series stars Geoff Stults and Michael Clarke Duncan and is from “Bones” creator Hart Hanson.
Read the rest on Zap2It and The Hollywood Reporter