Monthly Archives: July 2012

David Boreanaz Talks Comic Con on The Hollywood Reporter Roundtable

David BoreanazDavid Boreanaz (Bones), Stephen Amell (Arrow), Joshua Jackson (Fringe), Ginnifer Goodwin (Once Upon a Time), Jennifer Carpenter (Dexter) and Lucy Liu (Elementary) share the secret ups and downs of working in genre TV, from children named after them to fears of being attacked.

David talks about fans gifting him socks because of Booth’s propensity to wear crazy socks, how he thinks Bones should end, and a horrific commercial audition from his past.

Read the entire interview and see the video on The Hollywood Reporter.

Behind the Scenes of THR’s Comic Con 2012 Roundtable with David Boreanaz

David BoreanazJennifer Carpenter (Dexter), Ginnifer Goodwin (Once Upon a Time) , Joshua Jackson (Fringe), Stephen Amell (Arrow), Lucy Liu (Elementary) and David Boreanaz (Bones) talk costumes and fans at the annual San Diego Comic Con.

The six gathered on a Monday in late June at Milk Studios in Hollywood to step into new roles as private eyes from a 1950s noir photo shoot for The Hollywood Reporter’s Comic-Con roundtable.

Watch the behind the scenes footage and see which of the six has never seen Star Wars, who’s still obsessed with Princess Leia and more fun from the shoot.

Source: Hollywood Reporter