Monthly Archives: November 2011

BuddyTV: The Many Bones Relationships

“Those weekly murders on Bones are not really the point of the show. Instead, viewers tune in weekly for some of the best and most-rewarding relationship drama on TV. We take a look at the many Bones relationships throughout the history of the show — including, of course, the new Booth-Brennan relationship going into season 7.”

Can you believe there have been 21 different relationships from Season 1 until now? Booth and Brennan spent a lot of time perusing others in their quest to avoid perusing one another. I can’t help feel they’ve left a few off. If you can think of others, leave me a comment.

See the slideshow on BuddyTV

THR: TJ Thyne Gets His George Bailey Moment in ‘Shuffle’

TJ Thyne, best known for playing Dr. Jack Hodgins on Bones, is enjoying his first fall break in six years… For Thyne, that meant time to promote his starring role in the indie feature Shuffle, which recently had simultaneous premieres at the Hollywood and Heartland film festivals… As for Bones, Thyne says its business as usual for Jack Hodgins this season, aside from the new focus on fatherhood.”

Read the full interview on The Hollywood Reporter