Welcoming July 2011, Eric Millegan gave twitter fans an open invitation to have their most pressing questions answered. Eric played child prodigy Dr. Zack Addy on Bones.
“It’s almost July on the West Coast. Let’s celebrate with a Q & A. Shoot!” — @EricMillegan
Q: things you want to do?
A: More voiceovers!
Q: What are you working on now?
A: An audition for a project I’d LOVE to do!
Q: What is your favorite 4th of July activity?
A: Fireworks!
Q: any big plans for the 4th of July weekend?
A: Time with Charles in LA!
Q: Ever been to Singapore (or Southeast Asia in general) or the UK?
A: Never.
Q: what’s your favourite season?
A: Of Bones? 1st. Of life? Fall.
Q: Will u ever come to Montreal?
A: Someday!
Q: What are you looking forward to most in the rest of 2011?
A: Being with my family.
Q: if you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would you choose?
A: Michael Jackson
Q: when you decided you wanted to become an actor?
A: I was 8
Q: ok, so since someone already asked my question…what is your favorite book?
A: Theater Geek
Q: 15 minutes til Canada Day on the West Coast! Do you have a favourite holiday?
A: Christmas!
Q: back to acting any sooner?
A: I hope so
Q: what’s your favourite work that you’ve ever done?
A: Being in the chorus of Hello Dolly in Eugene, Oregon.
Q: know you’re a fan of basketball. do you follow any other sports and/or teams?
A: Portland Trail Blazers
Q: how would you feel if I named my kitten after you??
A: Flattered
Q: Film, tv, stage, v/over?
A: It’s a stage show.
Q: I’m working with a man,who looks so much like U!Do U have a twin or just a brother?
A: 3 brothers, no twins
Q: Any plans to visit Dubai?
A: Someday. I want to ski in a mall.
Q: What’s your favourite Musical?
A: Too many to name one.
Q: Do you have a pet?
A: No pet
Q: Any plans for your 37th (what?) b’day?
Q: where’s your favourite holiday spot?
A: Four Seasons Hualalai
Q: What would be your dream role in theater?
A: A new role written for me.
Q: Favourite thing about England?
A: The theatre!
Q: how long does it take you to prepare for an audition? Do you get nervous?
A: As much time as is allowed. And yes, very nervous.
Q: what was it like working with Emily Deschanel???
A: She’s wonderful
Q: if you could guest star in any TV series, what would it be?
A: All My Children
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