Pelant (guest star Andrew Leeds) is back, and the members of the Jeffersonian team want to put an end to the hold he’s had over them, once and for all. When a human cadaver is willed for research to the team, they devise a plan, with the help of Special Agent Hayes Flynn (guest star Reed Diamond), to stage the human cadaver in a way that Pelant would stage a murder, and steal his spotlight in order to flush him out. But their plan backfires when Pelant is a step ahead of them, resulting in him killing someone close to Booth. Meanwhile, Sweets returns from his leave of absence and is convinced that Agent Flynn isn’t the person whom everyone thinks he is.
Directed by Kate Woods
Episode Recaps
- AssignmentX by Rachel Reitsleff
- Buddy TV by Kim Stempel
- Celeb Dirty Laundry by Kristine Francis
- Celebrity Cafe by Natalia Perez
- Examiner by Meredith Jacobs
- Give Me My Remote by Sarah Curtis
- Gotta Watch It by Nicole L
- Hidden Remote by Chris Lacey
- Impress Me Reviews by Julie F.
- Lunatic Worlds by rynogeny
- Paul Levinson’s Infinite Regress by Paul Levinson
- Persephone Magazine by Crystal Coleman
- Powered by Osteons by Kristina Killgrove
- Reel Life with Jane by Kimberly Strand
- Screen Rant by Heather Donmoyer
- She’s Got Moxie by Catherine Cabanela
- Spoiler TV by Virginia Mae
- TV Equals by Michelle Carlbert
- TV Fanatic by Miranda Wicker
- Two Cents TV by Colleen
Bones 9×04 Promo “The Sense in the Sacrifice”
Promo for “The Sense in the Sacrifice”
Pelant’s psychotic obsession comes to a devastating conclusion.
Sleepless Night from “The Sense In The Sacrifice”
Brennan suggests an activity that will put Booth and her to bed.
Stating The Obvious from “The Sense In The Sacrifice”
Booth regrets not killing Pelant three months earlier.